
Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci: why is the chalice (the Holy Grail) missing?

Pubblicato da Anna Pinto il

Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci: why is the chalice (the Holy Grail) missing?
In Leonardo's Last Supper is missing the chalice, he didn't paint it on the table, as we usually see in other Last Suppers. Where is the chalice? Maybe Leonardo hid it, or he revealed it in other forms?

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Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci: why is Peter holding a knife in his hand?

Pubblicato da Anna Pinto il

Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci: why is Peter holding a knife in his hand?
In Leonardo's Last Supper Peter is holding a knife in his hand maybe because later, when they are in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter cuts off Malchus ear (the servant of the high priest Caiaphas).

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Das Letzte Abendmahl von Leonardo da Vinci: warum hält Peter ein Messer?

Pubblicato da Anna Pinto il

Das Letzte Abendmahl von Leonardo da Vinci: warum hält Peter ein Messer?
Im Letzten Abendmahl von Leonardo da Vinci Peter hält ein Messer in der hand vielleicht weil er damit später, im Gethsemane Garten, den Ohr von Malco (Diener des ohenpriesters Kaiphas) abschneiden wird. Oder ..... er bedroht Judas damit.

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Wie lange dauert die Fuehrung durch das Letzte Abendmahl?

Pubblicato da Anna Pinto il

Wie lange dauert die Fuehrung durch das Letzte Abendmahl?
Die Fuehrung durch das Letzte Abendmahl dauert zirka eine Stunde und dreissig Minuten. Neben dem Abendmahl werden Sie auch die Santa Maria delle Grazie Kirche besuchen. 

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How long does the guided tour of the Last Supper last?

Pubblicato da Anna Pinto il

How long does the guided tour of the Last Supper last?
The Last Supper tour lasts about an hour and thirty minutes. You will visit not only the Last Supper but also the gorgeous Santa Maria delle Grazie church.

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